Importance of Time

Time is importance to everyone, a famous Arabic proverb said الوقت كالسيف إن لم تقطعه قطعك (al-waqtu kas-saif, in lam taqta'hu qata'ak). It means time is sharp and fast like sword strike, if you don't manage and use time properly for your advantage then you will harm yourself by wasting your time. Or like what Benjamin Franklin said, "Remember that time is money" which sounds more to financial or business orientation. It means time is a valuable property, it advises us to do things effectively as soon as possible without wasting it.

Time is critical and finite. For example, the life of a businessman depends greatly on scheduling his entire project and program by developing a good time management in order to succeed in his business and personal life. He should manage its time effectively to fulfill appointment, meeting, promise, relaxing, worshiping schedule, and his family time. Ignoring the importance of time will significantly result in loosing opportunity and trust from his partners and clients. On the other side, loosing communication and relationship with God, neighbor, and family member are usually caused by poor time management. People needs to utilize and manage such given time by Allah in entire of their life in order to achieve great success in current life and hereafter.

Al-Quran as a revelation points out the significance of time to everyone. Allah says in the Holy Quran in chapter Al-'Asr "(Allah swears) By time, indeed, mankind is in loss, except for those who have believed and done righteous deeds and advised each other to truth and advised each other to patience."

Still ignoring your time ? ... " Until when death comes to one of them he says "O my Lord, send me back to life. So I may do good deeds in the world in what I left behind.” Never! It is only a useless appeal they make. And there is a barrier behind them until the Day they are resurrected." (Al-Muminun : ayah 99-100).

Of course we don't want to have destiny it that way.


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